Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art Featured Artists

Thank you to Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art for the feature. I was happy for the opportunity to talk about my process and inspiration behind the Line and Color painting series.

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“Virginia MOCA asked New Waves 2020 exhibiting artists to share their work from home. We received videos about their artistic process, stories about inspiration, works in progress, and more. New Waves 2020 artist Agnes Grochulska speaks about her process and inspiration for her line and color painting series.

Grochulska begins her process by selecting models that have a character trait or express an emotion in a way she finds striking. She expresses these qualities of the model through abstract and representational use of line and color. The process of painting is as important to Grochulska as the finished product. She shares this process with the viewer with her visible, heavy brush strokes and use of impasto. See more from Agnes Grochulska at”